Intermediate Linux for FASTER/ACES
Instructor: Andrew Palughi
Time: Tuesday, September 27, 2022 10:00AM-12:30PM CT
Location: online using Zoom
Prerequisites: Current ACCESS ID, basic Linux/Unix skills
Introduction to Linux for ACES: This course introduces basic Linux operations with an emphasis on Shell Scripts, SED and AWK. Shell scripting gives users the ability to work more efficiently on Linux/Unix System by automating commands and repetitive tasks.
This course is delivered in an interactive format - the instructor will walk through basic operations in Linux using a live terminal.
Course Materials
The presentation slides are available as downloadable PDF files.
- Intermediate Linux (Fall 2022) PDF
We will cover the following commands and topics:
- vi
- sed
- awk
- grep
- Bash Scripting
- bc
- Customizing Your Enviornment
Note: During the class sessions many aspects of the material will be illustrated live via a login to a training system. Attendees are welcome to follow these parts with their own laptops. Local participants will need to configure their laptops to use the TAMULink wireless network. Relevant details on this can be found at: