Online Training


All TAMU Main Campus faculty, students, and staff have access to online training via

To access Lynda:

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Sign In" (NOT "Sign Up") at the upper right of the page.
  3. In the login box provided, click "Sign in with your organization" at the bottom.
  4. Enter for the organization's URL.
  5. Authenticate with your NetID and password.
  6. If you have never used Lynda before, click the "I am a new user" button (or "No, I've never had an account").

Note: For detailed and visual access instructions, please visit the TAMU Knowledge Base for

From there you have access to a number of courses. Two that are immediately helpful to users of our clusters are:

  • Understanding SSH -- by Scott Simpson (please ignore chapter 2 and 4)
  • Learn the Linux Command Line: The Basics -- by Scott Simpson

You can use the search bar at to find either one. Both are highly recommended to new users.

Important note: Lynda access may not be available to some TAMU extensions. To find out if you have access, please contact Helpdesk Central.


For new users, the Linux/Unix Basics for HPC presentation by TACC may be useful. Note that it is not directly applicable to the clusters here at TAMU, but many of the basics are the same.

TACC has a wide variety of materials. Feel free to peruse their course materials. Again, none of it is directly applicable but there is good information in them (especially if you plan to upgrade to TACC later).